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Types of Floral Decor Arrangements

Types of Floral Decor Arrangements

We often discuss the need for floral arrangements for all kinds of events as a part of the decor plan. But forgets to discuss how it should be. In this blog, we are going to cover that missing part. This blog is not about choosing flowers for the floral arrangement. It is about arranging those flowers for the decor. Overall we are going to discuss how the floral decor should be. What options do you have while opting for floral decor?


Firstly, the very common practice is to decorate the backdrop entirely with flowers. We do that most of the time. Either the background of the couple or the most important places are covered with flowers. The most common place of this kind of floral decor is the photo booth area. You may have seen that kind of backdrop covered with flowers in celebrity events. The celebrities pose for the media over there.


Here we are giving you some other options. We will talk about floral arrangements that you can have. We will tell you how you should arrange flowers and then place them accordingly.  The placement should be done moderately. You can even use these arrangements as a part of table decor or extra wedding props.


Vertical Arrangement

By name, it is clear that you have to arrange flowers in a vertical position. The chances are very high that they may look like bouquets but that will be the case for every floral arrangement. When you decorate them with backdrops or walls, it will look like the decor. Arrange the flowers vertically and then start your decoration process. 


This is best suited for the decor of walls. From the bottom to the top, go with the decor. You can even opt for hanging patterns as well. If there are pillars in your wedding or event, we can use this arrangement there as well. All you have to do is just look for heightened structures for the decor.


Horizontal Arrangement

It is just the opposite of the vertical arrangement. Look for horizontal structures. We can use the horizontal floral decor arrangement as the boundaries of the stage. The same can be done with the entrance. Decor the entrance top with this arrangement. Overall wherever you find a spot that has a space for horizontal decor, put horizontal floral decor over there.



The very fast task we have to go through while working with these floral arrangements is creating them. The horizontal and vertical are very easy to assemble. As you just have to put them in that pattern respectively. The main problem comes with these kinds of patterns. Arranging flowers in star shapes is very difficult. 


Even after the completion of assembling, picking the right spot ain’t easy. You simply cannot put these floral arrangements everywhere. You have to pick those spots that are small. As while arranging star-shaped floral arrangements on large walls will create a lot of voids which will not look good at all. So pick special spots, and go for big star-shaped floral arrangements. This will highlight the decor and eliminate the chances of having a void in decoration.



Do not use this arrangement for decoration purposes of walls or pillars or backdrops. I am telling you where to use them. Firstly, understand how to prepare for this. Get a small moon-shaped flower arrangement. It should be small because we are going to use them as tableware. We will decorate the table with this floral arrangement. It will draw the attention of the guest and will make them wonder. Overall your floral decoration will get the desired appreciation with this floral arrangement.



We can create several patterns using flowers. It is just that we need to understand the need of the hour. What kind of decor plan do you have? If you decorate the whole venue with flowers, there is a doubt whether these arrangements are going to work or not. Go for standard decor. If you are just going for a little portion of floral decor, you can surely try these.


If all these floral decor ideas are giving you a lot of pressure and stress, transfer them to us. We, at Melting Flowers, make sure our clients remain stress-free and have the best floral decor for their events. For more information, do visit our website.

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