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The Marwari Wedding

The Marwari Wedding

A Marwari wedding is very fun not just for the bride and the groom, it’s fun for even the tiny toddlers in the house as there is going to be an overflow of food and mithai to make it as festive as it can be. From the engagement ceremony to the grihapravesh, every single ceremony is deemed important, as a completion of all of this is what marks the entire procedure complete. With staunch practices and Indian culture embedded in this wedding, this wedding is as colourful as anything can get. Your wedding decorators will have fun decorating this wedding with light decorations to colourful drapes decorations. What’s a Marwari wedding without flower decorations as flowers play an integral part. From strewing it all around the house and around the mithai plates, to the string of flowers used to decorate the house, flower decorations are taken up seriously. Even a veil of flowers is made to cover the face of the bride and the groom, followed by garlanding each other.

Take a look at the flower decorations given below and get inspired

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Happy wedding you guys!

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