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Tag: <span>wedding rituals</span>

Tag: wedding rituals

All About a Bengali Wedding

Apart from Rasgullas, there is one more thing from West Bengal that can steal our hearts in minutes and that is their wedding rituals. Unfortunately, we couldn’t provide you with Rasgullas but we can surely take you on a ride for a Bengali wedding. So let’s begin.   Beginning of …

Getting Creative With Phoolon Ki Chadar

Naam me kya rakha hai! (what’s there in the name). This line is our blog’s inspiration. For example, Phoolon ki Chadar has flowers in its name but is it mandatory to have only flowers in it? Not. This time we are getting creative with Phoolon ki Chadar with some ideas …

Wedding Rituals of South India

The beauty of India lies within the various cultures and rituals followed here. If you want to witness this diversity, then my suggestion is to attend a wedding. It truly depicts cultural values and rituals. Just like every other wedding, a south Indian wedding reflects the culture and traditions of …

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