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Tag: <span>Wedding In Bangalore</span>

Tag: Wedding In Bangalore

Best Flower Colour Palette For Your Wedding Decor

Indian weddings are all about rituals, lights, colours, flowers and joy. Wedding is no less than any festival in India. The décor theme, the colour palette and the types of bridal flowers, all these things are hand-picked particularly keeping in mind the preferences of both the families. The theme wedding …

Stage Decoration Ideas For Weddings Bangalore

  Have you ever realised that every wedding event that we attend, the first thing our eye catches is the wedding stage. That’s where the bride and groom await for everyone’s blessings and celebrate their happiness with their near ones. Now that it’s established that wedding stage occupies the crux …

Flower Decoration For Elegant Wedding Halls In Bangalore

  A beautiful flower is every man’s delight. Every celebration’s charm lies in the essence of choosing the right flowers. May it be to please a pretty damsel on a Valentine or to brighten up the wedding aura, Flowers are for every occasion. Here’s a list of our top picks …

Wedding Lighting Decoration Ideas For Reception Hall

  Lights offer millions of possibilities to transform your wedding venue. You might surprise yourself when you compare the before and after picture. Lights have the ability to bathe its surroundings with its myriad effects and transitions. The outcome is so captivating that it literally reflects the image you wish …

Marigold Designs For Wedding Decorations

“Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into!” Indian weddings are known for their exuberance and extravagance. A lot of entities are incorporated for decorations in any wedding. One of those entities is flowers and picking them requires utmost time and effort. Designs …

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