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Tag: <span>mandap decoration</span>

Tag: mandap decoration

Rustic Chic Weddings

Going all bohemian chic? Love palazzos and colourful, bling bangles? Half the world seems to get bohemian all wrong. You’re the girl that pulls it off perfectly. And the secret trick of yours is that, you don’t give into stereotypes and go boho chic exactly how you feel it’s right. …

European Style Inspired Wedding Decor- Wedding Decor Ideas

Well consider this your wedding project, as this wedding season, you’re up for a challenge. European culture signifies romance, art and beauty in all forms. From the Romantic era to the 21st century, the cheesiness is still a little too heavy for an average human being. But thats not the …

Turquoise Theme Wedding- Indian Theme Wedding Decorations

Turquoise may be a precious stone, but people associate it more with the vibrant colour it has, making it one of the most pleasing colours in the colour palettes of blue.  It has the feel of a happy soul, and all things charming.Blue may generally be associated with sober things, …

Ethereal Mandap Decorations In Bangalore For Your Grand Wedding

  “Marriages Are Made In Heaven.”   It is a correct saying. Indeed marriages are made in heaven, but it is up to us how special we make this occasion where after people remember its pomp and show. Marriages don’t come alone. With an array of customs and rituals like …

Spellbinding Events Decoration In Bangalore For All Occasions

There is a famous saying   “Beauty Lies In The Eye Of The Beholder.”   But an exceptional presentation and a magnificent exterior decoration grab the attention of everyone to fulfil the meaning of the above saying.   “What Pleases Your Eyes Makes You Take A Little Peek To See …

The Great Indian Wedding: Flower Decoration And Marriage Decoration

The day which defines the lifetime for any sane individual is only insanely larger in India. A marriage is a festival. And because it is, flower decoration and marriage decoration are mandatory. They have to be grand, beautiful and, for every single wedding, unique. No one wants a wedding which …

Choose The Best Flower Decorators And Make Your Wedding A Glamorous Affair!

Traditional or not, Indian marriages are incomplete without flowers. The flowers enhance the beauty of the decorations and make the venue look great. Moreover, if used in creative ways, it can totally transform the way your wedding looks. Thus, flower decoration for wedding is extremely crucial as it defines the …

5 Points To Choose From The Right Wedding Venues In Bangalore

Welcome to the newly engaged couple! So, when are you walking those seven vows, walking around the fire? As the date has been fixed now, you know you have taken upon a big responsibility. No, I am not scaring you. Seriously! I’m only talking about the preparations for this grand …

Wedding Under A Canopy- Theme Wedding Decorations

Canopies are the perfect place for the coy and bashful couple. You get to hide, but not hide all at the same time, and it creates the perfect rooftop for your love to skyrocket. From Chinese canopies, to flower canopies, a canopy instead of a traditional mandap is always a …

Tips To Make Sure That Setting Up A Reception Stage Decoration Is Not A Hassle!

That sudden call that evening from my cousin, ‘’I am getting married in Bangalore! So just get ready to do all the décor as per latest trends!’’ almost set my world rolling. Just as an upcoming wedding brings with itself a galore of joy, similarly preparations are quite a nightmare …

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