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Purplish Wedding Backdrop Embellishment Styles

Purplish Wedding Backdrop Embellishment Styles

The master key to unlock the beauty of a perfect wedding is the embellishment. The importance of decorations in any event is beyond explanation and it is what makes it a complete celebration. Any event must provide a visual treat, mellifluous blast and a sumptuous feast. To incorporate all these into a single event is certainly a tedious task. One greatest celebration that every person is encountered with in his lifetime is a wedding. To create heavenly environment at the wedding hall, you need to put in enormous skills and time. The nub of a wedding hall is the wedding stage. What adorns a wedding stage? The wedding backdrop! Magnificent and a tall backdrop beaming out rays of elegance and brilliance will certainly create a stupefying aura throughout the wedding hall. Swiveling perfumes of fragrant and fresh flowers are the key element for any wedding backdrop decoration. Read the rest of this blog to explore different wedding stage decoration styles with purplish rays of charm spreading out.

Floral Extravagance With A Purplish Tint:

This theme is for all the people out there who have this incredible taste for hued backdrops. Flowers galore will transform a dull looking backdrop into a marvel. Floral designs are numerous and choosing the one of your desire will be the first step towards achieving this style of backdrop. A large and intricately pinned floral tiara for the top and floral pillars billowing out from it is shown in the picture below. Crystal vases with flower bunches are extra centerpieces of beauty to this style. Purplish lighting is another key element to this stage to bring the tinted look. For the backdrop, use a plain drape with dangling floral stings.

wedding venues in bangalore

Wedding Jali With Bling Crystal Centerpieces:

Jalis are available in different designs and are carved from different metals. A wedding jali at the centre of the backdrop accompanied by bling crystal centerpieces is portrayed below. The crystal pieces vary from bells, vases to chandeliers. Floral pomanders twisted out of vibrantly colored flowers will add extra flamboyance to this decor. A floral bunch over the top of the backdrop and purplish hue to the whole setup will complete the backdrop adornment.

wedding stage decoration

Sinuous Structures With Fern And Floral Bunches:

Sinuous structures can be used for the wedding stage decoration Bangalore. A stage resembling a lotus flower is the theme chosen for this backdrop. Adorning these structures, bunches made out of ferns and flowers are pinned to them and also the chiffon backdrop. Plants are placed in front of the setup to infuse greenery into the elegant decor. To enrich the beauty of these structures, flood lights with a hue of purple are used behind.

wedding stage decoration Bangalore

Pillars And Wooden Frames:

A simple yet spectacular theme can be depicted from the image below. Pillars draped with chiffon and large wooden panels shaped like a photo frame are used for the reception stage decoration. To add a tinge of charisma, chiffon drapes are used for the backdrop with crystal pendant chandeliers. Flower bunches are spread out throughout the wedding stage.

reception stage decoration

Hope these styles amazed you to a certain extent and helps you in decorating one of the best wedding venues in Bangalore. Come back to get inspired more!



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