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Dazzling Wedding Decoration Themes Created With Drapes

Dazzling Wedding Decoration Themes Created With Drapes

Wedding is actually a conglomeration of many traditional events celebrated in a joyous fashion. Every single ritual that is going to be performed in a marriage needs to be neatly organized. These rituals not only must cope up with the traditional values but also be held against engaging backdrops and designs. Cliched decoration themes sounds too mundane and to induce a spark of exemplifying creativity into them, a spectacular twist of vibrantly colored drapes will certainly transform the arena into a magnificent one. Dazzling designs beyond comprehension can be created out of drapes and here are a few decoration themes that can beautify every single event of any wedding style.

Purplish Blast for the Mehndi and Sangeet Ceremony:

One of the widely celebrated pre-wedding events is the Mehndi and Sangeet ceremony. There are numerous themes available for mehndi and sangeet decor while the theme based on drapes would surely change the whole aura of the venue. Mehndi and Sangeet are two different functions which are commonly celebrated as one grand event. The idea of developing a traditional decor for the venue would certainly enhance the piousness of the event. The picture below shows beautifully decorated tents from colorful drapes and lights for the ceremony. The colors that form a major part of any auspicious event are red, yellow and green. Create a colorful blast out of drapes with appropriate lighting and spruce up the venue’s exuberance.

mehndi and sangeet decor

A Unique Twist of Drapes, String Lights and Umbrellas for the Wedding Hall:

Wedding halls are usually so huge and decorating every nook and corner of it becomes a tedious task. Choosing one among the best Indian wedding decoration ideas is of utmost importance for the wedding hall. The theme depicted in the image below is created out of colorful drapes twisted for the ceiling decor with string lights in between. The most exciting part of this theme is using umbrellas of varied designs and textures that are left hanging from those string lights. On the whole, this theme renders a fascinating appearance and piousness to the surrounding of the hall.

indian wedding decoration ideas

A Blend of Flowers and Drapes for the Mandap:

Flowers form the basic decoration element for any wedding decor. When it comes to mandap, which is the center of all positive aura in the venue, needs to decorated with an exquisite taste. Mild colored silk drapes are used to adorn the mandap as four pillars with a colorful floral design over the top of it. Bells and floral pomanders also add a twist of speciality to this theme for mandap decoration Bangalore.

mandap decoration bangalore

Reddish Tinge for The Reception Stage Decor:

Beautiful reddish drapes are twisted to create a decor for the reception stage. Pots and string lights are left dangling from the top to beautify the stage. Deewans are spread out for the bride, groom and guests to be seated. Reception stage decoration is also important besides mandap decor and the idea described here would surely be ethnic and novel.

reception stage decoration

Crisscross Twist of Drapes for the Outdoor Decor:

Colorful drapes are twisted in a crisscross fashion all over the venue to bring out its beauty and ethnicity. String lights also adorn these drapes to brighten the outdoor wedding decoration. Wonders can be made out of drapes and this theme is the perfect example for it.

outdoor wedding decoration

These dazzling themes created out of drapes would surely have astonished you and hope they would help you in wedding adornments. Have fun in decorating the wedding venue and let it transform into one of the beautiful places on earth!



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