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Classy Wedding Themes You Can Always Count On

Classy Wedding Themes You Can Always Count On

The beauty of conventional and classic is that they never become outmoded and are always there to please the masses. With traditional theme wedding decoration, you can give your wedding venue a complete makeover and fall back upon the safety of some of the most popular embellishments and wedding blooms that are as versatile as they are riveting in their lovely charm. Here we have compiled three such classy wedding theme decoration that will infuse life into your celebration.


Lotus Dew Drops

This theme makes use of the gorgeous florals that lie at the heart of Indian wedding celebrations, petite jasmine and luscious lotus. The combination does wonders visually with the velvety and dainty texture and the pleasant smell is a bonus. This aesthetic, in its bold neatness, is symbolic of chastity and good luck. Against the backdrop of plain white drapes decoration, these pretty blossoms add vivacity to your outdoor wedding with the light colors.



The halo of flowers that surrounds this traditional yet chic mandap decoration is a sight to behold in its simplicity.



Rustic Wooden Theme

This garden wedding decoration theme is essentially an influx of a plethora of florals in stunning variety that adorn the entrances, pathways, aisles and curl around the mandap in thick runners.



The elegant flower decoration stands out beautifully when juxtaposed with the woody surroundings overflowing with greens, allowing the decor to obtain a quaint and whimsical look as well.



Twilight Wedding

The mellow wooden interior and grassy lawns give the feeling of a barn wedding to match which, leafy vines, pendant crystals and entangled flowers and branches are just the right adornments. Soft lighting with candles and lanterns contributes to the rustic aesthetic while the wreath structure that acts as a photo booth and the leaf and crystal chandelier are also attention-grabbing in their slight boho appeal.



This decor exudes an intimate warmth, excellent for smaller gatherings. Floral arrangements atop logs of wood adorn corners and tabletops. It entwines vintage blissfully with nature and sets a very cozy and comfy ambiance for your guests to bask in.


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