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Beach Wedding Ideas- Complete Guide

Beach Wedding Ideas- Complete Guide

Want to seize your wedding day? Well, I can provide you with some wedding ideas that can seas your day! You may be wondering why it is seas not seize, it is because we are talking about a beach wedding! In case you are having any doubt about it, don’t worry, we are going to brush it up through this article as we are here with some super creative ideas that could lighten up your beach wedding. We are going to provide you with a complete guide for your beach wedding.

Eye-catching Invitations

 The invitation card should be light-colored to match the warmness of a beach. The design should reflect the destination. Try this idea by putting some flora or fauna pictures found at the beach. 


Beach Hamper

Next comes the welcoming. Offer your guest the beach attires, hats, and accessories. Let them feel the vibes of a beach. Prepare a sweet hamper that will contain all the essentials for the guests. Sunscreen, water bottles, and bug repellents should be there in the hamper. Be a perfect host!


Play With Sand

Express your love through the sand. A beach wedding is incomplete without sand coming into play. Turn on the creativity and start having fun with the sand. Write the names of the bride and groom in it. It sounds simple, but when done with love and some creativity, it can take all the attention.


Evening Ceremonies

Look for evening ceremonies as well. It is important to take some time off from the sun’s heat. And not to forget the evening sky view is something you cannot take your eyes from. If you are god’s favorite, the sky will be pink on your magical day and this moment can not be missed. The chill evenings will help the guest to receive refreshes that they might have missed during the daytime.


Coconut Bar

Heard about the photo booth? Looks great, right? Let me give you another idea, keep a stand full of coconut water. You can call it a coconut water station. This will add extra beauty to your decoration as well as will quench the thirst of your guests. Not to forget, apart from quenching the thirst it can also be a great photo booth as well. It is undoubtedly a multi-purpose idea, and a beach wedding is totally incomplete without coconuts involved in it. 


Light Menu

Invitations, attires, evening parties, and coconut, till now we have made sure that everything matches with the beach. So do the same with the menu as well. You cannot go with a normal menu schedule and the items. Both these things should match the destination. 


Escaping the Heat

There is a possibility of having an outdoor reception. Now the question comes about the seating arrangement. The task is to escape the heat. Creating some shaded areas will do the job for you. Some light-colored tents or umbrella-covered seating is something you should try.



Refreshment Corner

Just like the coconut station, you can also set up a refreshment station. It is great to have a lot of varieties and it almost becomes a must when it comes to beverages. Add some local recipes, seasonal fruit juices, mocktails, and cocktails.


Palm Leaves

When it comes to the beach, palm leaves always come to mind. And here it came. Palm leaves can be used in many ways, whether it’s for decoration purposes, seating purposes, or in garlands, you can use them in whatever way you want. Irrespective of the way they have been used, the beauty is going to be increased anyhow, that is the magic of palm leaves.


The Magic of Neon

Neon lights have their charm. You can generate some electrifying vibes with these. This is best suited decoration hack for evening or especially for night parties. Bright and beautiful!


Pool party

I bet most of you are thinking, where is the pool. Here we go. Poolside parties don’t require a reason to be held for. Whether it’s a bachelorette, pre-wedding party, post-wedding party, or even just a casual party, poolside parties are all always preferred over anything else. 


Arrange a proper seating, some food, and music. Believe me, you are going to be the best host ever, your guests are going to love it.


Final Words

With the availability of all these ideas, there is no doubt why people are choosing beaches for their weddings. These are only a few ideas, there are many more, and guess where you will get it, at the melting flowers. We at Melting Flowers promise you a fascinating and unforgettable wedding experience.

For more blogs like these, keep visiting us. 




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