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South Indian Wedding Elements Revamped

South Indian Wedding Elements Revamped

It would be a crime to say that all south indian weddings are the same. However, we can all agree to the fact that there are similar attributes that make them all similar to a certain level. Well, the beauty of course lies in its uniqueness, but here is a collective list of amazing elements that are revamped that all south indian weddings would have that you could use to revamp your own amazing wedding.

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There’s a certain level of beauty to using the same traditional routines and not eliminating them, however giving them all a modern touch to suit the needs of the current generation and its tastes. Traditions and the complexities involved in them are what makes India’s collective culture a beauty to adore, however, there’s no harm in just spicing it up a teeny bit to make it look sexier, just like you.

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Well, are you worried already about how you could do this. Maybe you have questions such as “Who will do all of this for me?”, “Where would I go for the ideas?”, and a lot more swimming in your head. Like I always say, never fear when the wedding genie is here. The wedding genie will grant your wishes, even the most toughest ones. My friends, I present to you the best wedding decorator who is going to take care of all your needs, the smallest to the most hectic ones.


Ultimately, like those who know better say, “All we need is someone to lean on.” You’ve found that special someone to spend the rest of your life with, now it’s time you do the same with your wedding planner who’d be there throughout your wedding to boost your confidence and make sure nothing goes wrong.

  1. You could make sure the traditional banana tree has a lunch of serial lights and lamps fixed to it to make it look cuter.
  2. Experiment with the diyas. Use the electric ones for the backdrop as they aren’t messy, and they don’t flicker and cause damage to the rest of the backdrop, and if you do find the right diyas (which your wedding genie will magically bring), there’s nothing more adorable.
  3. Make sure the flowers are in abundance. No one can really go wrong with flowers. Flower decorations being an integral part of weddings can be teamed up with traditional bells to give the entrance a pretty look.
  4. The aisle can be more lit up, breezy and airy, and it need not be the entrance to the mandap, it could start from any place you think is nice and pretty
  5. Use the pretty props available in the market or revamp the old ones with spray paint and glitter.. Whats a wedding without glitz and glamour.

Have a glamorous wedding fellas!


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